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Essential Informed Consent and Policies



Consents and policies are not just a bureaucratic necessity. They are some of the cornerstones of ethical psychotherapy. Informed consents are required legal documents that ensure the client understands the nature of therapy, their rights, potential risks and benefits involved in therapy, and your practice policies. Researched and written to fulfill federal standards, Documentation Wizard’s forms have been extensively reviewed and approved by two attorneys, a bioethicist, and a medical editor. They can and should be customized to suit your practice needs and state requirements.

Documentation Wizard’s Essential Informed Consents and Policies Package is fundamental for every therapy practice and includes:

  • Informed Consent for Services and Practice Policies
  • Social Media Policy
  • Informed Consent for Telemental Health

Documentation Wizard’s Essential Informed Consents and Policies Package includes the consents and policies needed in every practice. They are a process where the therapist shares information with the client so the client can make an informed decision about participating in treatment. They are more than a form. They are part of the clinical process, modeling clear boundaries and expectations. Ideally, consents are given in writing and discussed during your first session. They are dynamic and not a one-time event. They may need to be revisited as your practice evolves. Periodically checking in with your clients supports their continued understanding and agreement.


The Informed Consent for Services and Practice Policies is an essential risk management strategy. It empowers clients by providing needed information. It educates clients about what to expect from treatment and your office policies. It fosters collaboration, trust, and openness. It demystifies and helps to reduce the client’s anxiety about starting therapy.

This informed consent and policies address:

  • Risks and benefits of psychotherapy
  • Alternatives to therapy
  • What to expect in therapy
  • Cancellation and rescheduling policies
  • How to address emergencies, illness, and inclement weather
  • Confidentiality and limits to confidentiality
  • Professional fees, payment, and payment methods
  • Legal issues and court appearances
  • Pros and cons of using insurance
  • Professional records and disclosures
  • How to contact the therapist for emergencies and non-emergencies
  • Contact outside of therapy
  • Weapons, scents, and touch in therapy
  • Plan for custodial records
  • Termination of services
  • And more…


These documents should be customized to reflect your practice needs and state requirements. Areas that may need to be customized are highlighted in yellow for easy identification. You may make any changes needed other than the copyright. These documents are not a substitute for legal advice.


Because social media is a major part of our culture, having a policy about its use is essential for the confidentiality of both the client and the therapist. There are no laws governing the use of social media in mental health care. But there are ethical guidelines.

This policy includes:

  • Risks and benefits of using social media both as a user in general and specifically to the therapeutic relationship
  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Limits to confidentiality and emergencies
  • Contact policies: how to handle requests to connect, mutual contacts, and searches
  • Social media platforms the therapist uses and how they are used.
  • Business review sites


This document can and should be customized to reflect your practice needs. Areas that may need to be customized are highlighted in yellow for easy identification. You may make any changes needed other than the copyright. This document is not a substitute for legal advice.


Telehealth is an accepted form of delivering mental health services and is covered by most insurance companies. Telehealth’s unique challenges and considerations make a thorough informed consent critical.

This informed consent covers:

  • The delivery and value of using telehealth
  • Risks and benefits of using telehealth
  • Alternative Options to telehealth
  • Confidentiality and Privacy and how to protect them
  • Limits to Confidentiality
  • Emergency Protocols and Contacts
  • Technical Requirements
  • How potential security breaches are handled
  • How difficulties with technology are handled
  • Recordings of the telehealth session


This document can and should be customized to reflect your practice needs. Areas that may need to be customized are highlighted in yellow for easy identification. You may make any changes needed other than the copyright. This document is not a substitute for legal advice.