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Informed Consent for Couples



Couples Therapy offers unique clinical, ethical, and legal challenges. This Consent for Couples Therapy outlines these challenges and provides options for decision-making about how you manage them in your practice.

Clinical Legal and Ethical Issues

This Consent for Couples Therapy has been reviewed by two attorneys and a bioethicist.

It covers:

  • Risks and Benefits of Couples Therapy
  • Description of Treatment
  • Confidentiality and Limits to Confidentiality
  • Privilege
  • Release of Information
  • Legal Issues
  • Conflict of Interest and Dual Relationships


Because each therapy practice is different, you may customize this consent to reflect your practice needs. For example, the Informed Consent for Couples is written for a therapist who does not provide expert testimony. If you do provide expert testimony, you are free to change this section. Areas that may need to be customized are highlighted in yellow. You may make any changes needed other than the copyright.

Not Legal Advice

This consent does not replace legal advice. Read this consent carefully and have it reviewed by an attorney in your state to customize this consent to your practice needs and state regulations.

Consent as Therapy

Informed consent is not a piece of paper. It is an ongoing process. It is therefore recommended that you discuss the informed consent with the couple, so they understand and agree to your practice policies, and what is and isn’t allowed by law. You may need to review your policies throughout treatment. Discussing these issues may be difficult, but it models good boundaries and provides the opportunity to clarify important aspects of treatment both before you begin and during the course of the therapeutic relationship. Discussing these policies protects the couple and protects  you as the therapist.