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Disclosure for Adolescents & Informed Consent of Parent/s or Guardian of an Adolescent



Working with specific populations brings unique clinical, ethical, and legal challenges. These challenges need to be addressed in the informed consents specific to each population. The Documentation Wizard consents cover the clinical, ethical, and legal obligations of working with couples, adolescents, and/or children.

There are TWO FORMS included in this package

Disclosure for Adolescents

The purpose of this disclosure is to help the adolescent feel informed, comfortable, and fully empowered to engage in therapy. Because adolescents are minors, their signature is not legally binding except in some states, at certain ages, and under specific circumstances. Therefore, this document is not a formal consent. It’s a “disclosure” because it discloses the expectations and parameters of being in therapy. You will need to find out the age of consent in your state.

Using age-appropriate language, this disclosure describes:

  • The purpose of psychotherapy
  • The risks and benefits of psychotherapy
  • Confidentiality and its limits
  • Parental and guardian rights to records
  • How parents will be informed about their adolescent’s treatment
  • How professional records are used and how long they are kept
  • How legal issues are handled
  • The therapist’s cancellation policy and office hours
  • Contact outside of therapy
  • And much more…


This document can and should be customized to reflect your practice needs and state requirements. Areas that may need to be customized are highlighted in yellow. You may make any changes needed other than the copyright. This document is not a substitute for legal advice.

Informed Consent of Parent/s/Guardian for Adolescents

Parents and guardians have a natural curiosity and concern about their adolescent’s therapy. They need to understand the nature of their adolescent’s treatment, including the goals, and methods specific to working with adolescents. They have rights and responsibilities around confidentiality and its limits, access to records, payment for services, and how best to support their adolescent’s experience of being in therapy. Agreeing to this policy provides a foundation for trust between the parent/s or guardian and their adolescent, and between the parent/s or guardian and the therapist.

This informed consent includes:

  • Parent/s or guardian rights and responsibilities regarding the adolescent’s treatment
  • The adolescent’s need for privacy and confidentiality and their limits to confidentiality
  • The need for parent/s or guardian to respect their adolescent’s privacy and confidentiality
  • Parent/s or guardian legal access to the adolescent’s protected health information and how long records are stored.
  • How information will be shared with parent/s or guardian including safety concerns and emergencies
  • How parent/s or guardian can support their adolescent’s treatment
  • Parent/s or guardian financial and scheduling responsibilities
  • And more…

For all other practice policies concerning treatment and payment please refer to the Informed Consent for Services and Practice Policies.


This document can and should be customized for your practice needs and state requirements. Areas that may need to be customized are highlighted in yellow. You may make any changes needed other than the copyright. This document is not a substitute for legal advice.